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B. H. 卡罗尔神学院和东德克萨斯浸会大学宣布合并

February 6, 2023

The presidents of B. H. 欧文的卡罗尔神学院和马歇尔的东德克萨斯浸会大学于2月8日宣布. 6 .各院校的董事会各自通过决议,授权达成一项排他性协议,合并B .的行政和学术运作. H. Carroll into ETBU.

A letter of intent, signed by B. H. Carroll President Gene Wilkes and ETBU President J. Blair Blackburn, sets forth the terms and conditions of the merger, as well as the timeline for its completion. 

On or before January 31, 2025, B. H. 卡罗尔将成为ETBU的一所新学校,名为“B”. H. 东德克萨斯浸会大学卡罗尔神学院”,并将继续通过其认可的硕士和博士学位课程提供研究生神学教育. Until the merger is final, B. H. Carroll will continue to operate independently, 而是与ETBU管理层密切合作. B. H. Carroll will begin operating as “B. H. Carroll Theological Seminary” immediately, 放弃“研究所”的描述,为完成合并铺平道路.

Students currently enrolled at B. H. 他们的学位课程不会受到任何干扰. ETBU还承诺将大力为B提供就业机会. H. Carroll’s employees. 

Dr. Wilkes said he was enthusiastic about the merger, 这主要是因为ETBU的机构实力,以及他对ETBU致力于维护他所领导的机构的使命和遗产的信心.

“The missions of B. H. Carroll and ETBU are already very similar. 我们很合适,因为我们都关心教学部长, chaplains, counselors, 教育工作者和平信徒在基督的教会的多样化和全球部委服务. Our spirits are the same. We are interested in the growth of God’s Kingdom, faithfulness to His word, loving God’s people in the church, and bringing the lost to Christ. 加入ETBU后,我们将继续以这种方式运营. Wilkes said. 

Dr. 布莱克本也表示很兴奋,他说B. H. 卡罗尔的教师和课程将加强ETBU的校园和在线教育.

“我们很高兴能与B.H. 卡罗尔神学院,因为我们团结在我们的基督为中心的呼吁,通过研究生神学教育,” Dr. Blackburn said. “The opportunity to educate, equip, 卡罗尔和ETBU的学生将延续学校的伟大遗产,为学生准备福音事工,并将扩大我们王国的影响. 从1912年作为马歇尔学院成立以来, 学校一直在准备学生通过当地教会和宣教现场推进上帝的王国. 卡罗尔以培养忠心爱教会、服事教会的圣经学者而闻名, and this commitment will continue through B. H. 东德克萨斯浸会大学卡罗尔神学院. 我期待着与吉恩·威尔克斯校长和教职员工共同努力,在我们的教育伙伴关系中迈出下一步.”

According to Dr. Wilkes and Dr. Blackburn, 该合并协议为南方学院和学校协会委员会(SACSCOC)和神学院协会(ATS)的一系列审查和批准奠定了基础。. Over the next several months, 这两个机构将继续处理许多悬而未决的细节,并制定全面的计划,以确保顺利过渡.
这两所学校的董事会主席也表达了同样的希望. Wilkes and Dr. Blackburn. B. H. Carroll Chair Dr. Leon Leach said B. H. 自2004年成立以来,卡罗尔的愿景一直是提供负担得起的服务, accessible, achievable, and accredited theological education. “This merger of the two institutions connects B. H. Carroll with a university with a similar vision, a rich history, 还有一个相似的愿望是让学生们为教会的服务做好准备,” he said. 

James Webb, chair of ETBU’s Board of Trustees, shared his enthusiasm for the merger opportunity, “East Texas Baptist University and B. H. Carroll Theological Institute have the same mission to equip Christian servant leaders to follow their calling to God and humanity; the opportunity for greater Kingdom impact can be achieved through a strategic educational and ministry partnership to fulfill the Great Commission.”

The joining of the two institutions enables B.H. Carroll students to access resources, including financial aid, additional scholarship opportunities, and student services. Upon approval of the merger, 东德克萨斯浸会大学将成为博士学位授予机构.

“这种合作关系与其说是一次新的合并,不如说是一次家庭团聚。. ETBU教务长兼学术事务副校长托马斯·桑德斯说. “卡罗尔的创始教师与德克萨斯州浸信会总会和更广阔的浸信会世界有着密切的联系和历史. 我们有共同的教育、神学和宗派传统. 我很高兴看到这些领袖们为了德州浸信会的共同目标而重聚.”

ETBU will provide regular updates on the merger at